Ιστορικό Περίγραμμα / historical context

Ο Καραμάνης, νεαρός γιατρός, εγκατεστημένος στη γενέτειρά του τη Δράκεια Πηλίου οραματίστηκε πριν από 100 χρόνια περίπου ότι έπρεπε να κάνει κάτι, πολύ σημαντικό στη ζωή του. Ήταν πρωτοπόρος στον αγώνα κατά της φυματίωσης, ασκητής και ιατροφιλόσοφος. Αναμφίβολα έχει κερδίσει σπουδαία θέση στην ιστορία της Ελληνικής Ιατρικής για την πίστη και το παράδειγμα της προσωπικής του ζωής- εξορίας. Σίγουρα είναι η σημαντικότερη ιατρική προσωπικότητα της Μαγνησίας.

Υπήρξε εποχή όπου είχε εκδιωχθεί από τους ίδιους τους συντοπίτες του ως κίνδυνος. Με τις πράξεις του θα μόλυνε με φυματίωση τα χωριά του Πηλίου.  Οι κατακτητές έκαψαν και βομβάρδισαν το Σανατόριο.  Και αυτός το ξανάχτισε και το λειτούργησε σε μεγάλη ήδη ηλικία σαν να επρόκειτο να ζήσει εκεί αιώνια. Η γυναίκα που αγάπησε, η Άννα, και έκανε μαζί της όνειρα και το πρεβαντόριο, τον άφησε μόνο στο βουνό όταν γνώρισε τον Άγγελο Σικελιανό.  Ο Καραμάνης με συντροφιά «ένα φως εκ των ένδον» και ένα-δύο πιστούς συνεργάτες συγγενείς του (Κούμουλος- Τζανέτος) έδωσε στο βουνό τη Μαγική του Δύναμη. Έζησε δίπλα στους φυματικούς ασθενείς σηκώνοντας όλο τους τον πόνο και έσκαψε στο μικρό νεκροταφείο, τους τάφους τους. Εκεί ζήτησε να ταφεί και ο ίδιος. Στο εκκλησάκι του Σανατορίου, αφιερωμένο στη Ζωοδόχο Πηγή που αγιογραφήθηκε γύρω στα 1950, υπάρχει μια τοιχογραφία. Ανάμεσα στους αγίους απεικονίζεται με άσπρη μπλούζα η μορφή του.

ΚΙ Γουργουλιάνης 
Καθηγητής Πνευμονολογίας
Πρύτανης Πανεπιστημίου Θεσσαλίας

 About 100 years ago, Karamanis, a young doctor who lived and practiced medicine in his birth-place ‘’Drakia’’ on Mount Pelion, dreamt of accomplishing something great in his life. He was a pioneer in the fight against tuberculosis, an ascetic figure, a doctor-philosopher. Undoubtedly, he has won a great place in the history of Greek Medicine for his faith and his exemplary life-exile. He is definitely the most important medical personality of Magnesia.
There was time that he was regarded as ‘’danger’’ by his own fellow villagers who were convinced that with his practice would contaminate with T.B the other villages of Pelion. The conquerors burnt and bombed the Sanatorium. He rebuilt it and he worked in there, although already old, as if he were to live eternally. The woman he loved, Anna, and shared with her his dreams about the Sanatorium, left him alone on the mountain when she met Aggelo Sikeliano. Karamanis accompanied by ‘’an inside light’’ and a couple of faithful associates-relatives (Koumoulos, Tzanetos) succeeded in giving the mountain its Magic Power. He lived close to his sick patients, comforting their pain and digging when he had to their graves in the nearby small cemetery. He requested to be buried there himself. In the small church of the Sanatorium, which is dedicated to ‘’The Life-giving Source’’ and was painted with icons around 1950’s, there is a mural where he is depicted among the Saints in his white medical uniform.

 About 100 years ago, Karamanis, a young doctor who lived and practiced medicine in his birth-place ‘’Drakia’’ on Mount Pelion, dreamt of accomplishing something great in his life. He was a pioneer in the fight against tuberculosis, an ascetic figure, a doctor-philosopher. Undoubtedly, he has won a great place in the history of Greek Medicine for his faith and his exemplary life-exile. He is definitely the most important medical personality of Magnesia.
There was time that he was regarded as ‘’danger’’ by his own fellow villagers who were convinced that with his practice would contaminate with T.B the other villages of Pelion. The conquerors burnt and bombed the Sanatorium. He rebuilt it and he worked in there, although already old, as if he were to live eternally. The woman he loved, Anna, and shared with her his dreams about the Sanatorium, left him alone on the mountain when she met Aggelo Sikeliano. Karamanis accompanied by ‘’an inside light’’ and a couple of faithful associates-relatives (Koumoulos, Tzanetos) succeeded in giving the mountain its Magic Power. He lived close to his sick patients, comforting their pain and digging when he had to their graves in the nearby small cemetery. He requested to be buried there himself. In the small church of the Sanatorium, which is dedicated to ‘’The Life-giving Source’’ and was painted with icons around 1950’s, there is a mural where he is depicted among the Saints in his white medical uniform.

Professor K.I. Gourgoulianis
Rector of the University of Thessaly
President of the Hellenic Troracic Society